Canichii nostri pitici argintii / Our miniature grey poodles:


Prezentul nostru: BELLA CODITA dupa cum a botezat-o mama impreuna cu fiul meu, adoptata la finele lunii octombrie, mai exact pe 25 oct 2022. Nascuta in Rusia si crescuta in Ucraina, victima razboiului … asa ca ne bucuram c-a ajuns in familia noastra in care mama mea o adora si va fi cea mai fericita si mai iubita senioara. Multumesc, Gusti Ionescu ca te-ai gandit ca noi am fi cea mai buna alegere pentru ea! Sa ne traiasca cat mai multi ani sanatoasa, frumoasa, buna si blanda asa cum ne-a lasat s-o cunoastem din prima clipa a sosirii sale in familia noastra! 

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10 nov 2014: R.I.P. ingerul nostru drag, SOMBRERO ðŸ™

08.09.2001 – 10.11.2014

3 febr 2014: R.I.P. ingerul nostru drag, CIQUITTA:(

20.01.2003 – 3.02.2014

Anul acesta, 2014,  este trist pentru noi, eu si mama mea, si Ciquitta si Sombrero s-au dus la ingeri alaturi de Baghera, Swan, Titica si Hanna:(

Ii multumesc lui Dumnezeu ca am avut sansa sa traiesc 11 respectiv 13 ani minunati alaturi de acesti ingeri plini de viata si dragoste nemarginita, sper din suflet ca mama mea sa reuseasca sa treaca peste aceste tragice pierderi:((

Odihneste-te in pace, Ciquirica noastra draga, Odihneste-te in pace, Sombrericul – Bubulinul nostru drag, iubirelul si baiatul mamei mele! Va multumesc ca ati fost alaturi de noi acesti ani! Intotdeauna va vom iubi!

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Canichii nostri, CIQUITTA, SOMBRERO, TICA, in 2012: 

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Mascul / Male: Baiatul mamei mele / The “junior” of my mother:

TIC-TAC DANCE WITH ME GOLDEN-SWAN “TICA” dob:  09 sept 2008, parinti / parents: “Sombrero” & “Ciquitta”

Poze cu Tica / Pics with Tica:             

Poze cu Tica la 4,3 ani / Pics with Tica at 4,3 years old:            

VIDEO!!!  Canichii nostri in parc la Izvor, 6 mai 2012: Tica 3,6 ani, Ciquitta 9,4 ani si Sombrero 10,6 ani!

VIDEO!!!  Canichii nostri in parc la Izvor, 27 ian 2013: Tica 4,3 ani, Ciquitta 10 ani si Sombrero 11,3 ani!

Alte poze cu puii nostri / another pics with the other our mini grey poodles pupps:

CLICK! Canichii nostri in martie 2013, martisoarele mamei mele / Our poodles in march 2013!

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Mascul / Male: MIKE DE SABARONE “Sombrero”, 08 sept 2001 – 10.11.2014, palmares: 3 CAC, 2 CACIB, Rez BOG

Poze cu Sombrero / Pics with Sombrero:             

Poze cu Sombrero la 11,3 ani / Pics with Sombrero at 11, 3 years old:

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Femela / Female: CIQUITA DE SABARONE “Ciquitta”, 20 IAN 2003 – 3 FEBR 2014

palmares: 2 Exc, CACJ

Poze cu Chiquitta noastra draga / Pics with our lovely Ciquitta:       

Poze cu Chiquitta noastra draga la 10 ani / Pics with our lovely Ciquitta at 10 years old:        

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Istoria piticilor nostri / The history of our sweet and littels children:

Dragostea si pasiunea noastra pentru aceasta minunata rasa numita Caniche are radacini foarte adinci, inca din foarte frageda virsta a mamei mele. Mama mea a copilarit multi ani cu canichii uriasi ai vecinilor lor de la etajul superior din blocul in care locuiau, vis a vis de Gara De Nord. Cele doua familii, prin intermediul membrilor ce mai sunt in viata, si in ziua de azi sunt prietene, relatia ajungind la o asemenea valoarea sentimentala incit mama si Rozalina (de 25 de ani stabilita in Franta) se simt ca doua surori.
In anul 2002 mama a plins mult dupa moartea celor doua femele de dog german ale noastre, Baghera si Swan. La fix un an de trecerea in nefiinta a Swanitei, mama a resimtit foarte greu lispa acestora cazind prada depresiei. Atunci m-am decis sa-i fac mamei mele cea mai mare bucurie a vietii ei si mai ales sa-i implinesc un vis vechi, ascuns adinc in sufletul ei dar ramas viu: cadou un pui de caniche pitic. In acel moment foarte greu era doar un singur crescator in Bucuresti si am luat-o pe “cicirica” noastra mica, scumpa si draga cu “ochii de caprioara”, tandra si afectuoasa, umbra si mindria mamei mele: CIQUITTA (Ciquitta De Sabarone).
Ciquitta a crescut, a mers la expozitiile chinologice, mama s-a specializat in toaletarea acestei minuni de rase… si acum 3 ani ne-am decis s-o imperechem. Singurul mascul disponibil in acel moment in tara era la Constanta, la Canisa Of Blue Line Hunter, la Ichim Edis. Ideea este ca totul s-a desfasurat intr-o asemenea maniera incit l-am si primit cadou pe ursachele nostru moshuletz, SOMBRERO (Mike De Sabarone). Nu va puteti inchipui ce comuniune si ce sentimente exista intre mama si Sombrero, de multe ori eu ramin uimita si uit ca este alaturi de noi de putin timp fata de virsta inaintata la care l-am primit in familia noastra.
Si uite ca din ultimul cuib al Ciquittei cu Sombrero mama s-a lipit de cel mai nebunel pui: TICA “fara frica” (Tic Tac Dance With Me Goldn Swan). De ce fara frica?:) pentru ca este baiatul mamei ce sta dupa fusta ei si de acolo este mare curajos.
Aceasta este mica si valoroasa familie de canichi a mamei mele, viata ei, suportul ei moral si mai ales echilibru emotional. Intre timp Sombrero a imbatrinit, se apropie de 10 ani, Ciquitta este o regina si isi pastreaza silueta in ciuda faptului ca este sterilizata si deja a implinit 8 anishori iar Tica … Tica este unic si vesnic copilaros chiar daca a trecut de 2 ani de viata:)
M-am decis sa va prezint familia mea de caniche intrucit, dupa mult timp, SOMBRERO este tatic din aceasta luna aprilie 2011 si are 3 fetite si 2 baietei cu pedigree! In curind va vom posta si informatii despre parinti!
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Our love and passion for this wonderful breed, the poodle, comes from as early as my mother’s childhood. My mom spent her childhood close to a pair of standard poodles that belonged to some neighbors in the block of flats near Gara de Nord. Even now the two families have a strong friendship relation, of such a deep and emotional nature that my mother and Rozalina (the neighbour, now living in France for 25 years) feel they are sisters.
In 2002, my mom cried all her tears after the death of our two grate dane females… After exactly one year after my beloved Swan passed away, my mom was even worse and fell into a depression. It was at that time when I decided to give her again the joy of living and to fulfill an older desire… a dream from deep down her soul that always haunted her: I brought her a miniture poodle puppy as a gift! At that time there was only one breeder in Bucharest that gave us our Cicirica, cutest dearest puppy with big eyes, sweet and tender, soon to become the shadow and pride of my mother: Ciquitta (de Sabarone).
Ciquitta developped into a nice young female, we took her to dog shows; my mom even started to specialise in her grooming. Three years ago we wanted to breed her and the only male in the country was in Constanta, at Blue Line Hunter Kennel of Ichim Edis, his name was Sombrero (Mike de Sabarone). I don’t know how one thing led to another but we even received the little old boy as a gift, he came to live with us. You can not imagine the connection and the relation between my mom and Sombrero, I’ve been so amazed for so many times and I even forgot he came to live with us so late in his life.
And there you are… the third member of our family is “fearless” Tica (Tic Tac Dance With Me Golden Swan) from Ciquitta’s and Sombrero’s last litter. Why “fearless”? Because he is always watching everybody from between my mother’s legs where he feels very safe and fearless while standing there!
This is our proud and oh so valuable family of grey miniature poodles that my mom has; they are her life, her moral support and most important, her emotional balance. Meanwhile Sombrero is now almost 10 years old, Ciquitta still a queen although 8 years old, slim and fit even though spayed. And Tica… Tica is one of a kind, young at heart and still behaving like a puppy despite the fact he is already 2 years old.
I wanted to present you our curly family as well especially because I am so proud to announce that now, after such a long time, Sombrero is a father again!! He sired a litter of 3 girls and 2 boys, that were born in April from a pedigree female. Soon I will post more info about this litter, about the proud parents and of course, pictures with the little ones!



April 11, 2011 · admin · No Comments
Posted in: Our grey Mini poodle / Canichii nostri pitici argintii